Thanks so much for your interest in making a donation. Here’s how you can support us:
Want to become a sponsor instead? Contact us directly.
Donating Online
- Donate through the Giving to Purdue website.
- Specify the amount you’d like to donate in the white “Amount” box.
- If you would like to donate to a specific team (ie. High Altitude, Liquids, etc.), select the box next to “Additional Comments/Special Instructions”. Describe where your donation should go in the comment box.
- Choose “Proceed to Payment” – Thank you for supporting the Purdue Space Program!
Donating by Mail
- Make checks payable to “Purdue Space Program”.
- Mail to “Business Office for Student Organizations”, 1198 Third St, Room 365, West Lafayette, IN 47907, United States
- If you wish to donate to a specific team, include a note with the check – Thank you for supporting the Purdue Space Program!