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Make a Donation

Thanks so much for your interest in making a donation. Here’s how you can support us:

Want to become a sponsor instead? Contact us directly.

Donating Online
  1. Donate through the Giving to Purdue website.
  2. Specify the amount you’d like to donate in the white “Amount” box.
  3. If you would like to donate to a specific team (ie. High Altitude, Liquids, etc.), select the box next to “Additional Comments/Special Instructions”. Describe where your donation should go in the comment box.
  4. Choose “Proceed to Payment” – Thank you for supporting the Purdue Space Program!
Donating by Mail
  • Make checks payable to “Purdue Space Program”.
  • Mail to “Business Office for Student Organizations”, 1198 Third St, Room 365, West Lafayette, IN  47907, United States
  • If you wish to donate to a specific team, include a note with the check – Thank you for supporting the Purdue Space Program!